.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 Part 5: Customizing ------------------- Customizing the application page ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The view that we have written above requires a template file. A default template file is provided by the framework. In some cases, we will need to customize this template. Let us create a custom template file in ``transmission.html``. .. code-block:: django :caption: ``templates/transmission.html`` {% extends "app.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block configuration %} {{ block.super }}

{% trans "Custom Section" %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %} Custom paragraph content. {% endblocktrans %}

{% endblock %} This template extends an existing template known as ``app.html``. This template is available in FreedomBox core to provide all the basic layout, styling, menus, JavaScript and CSS libraries required for a typical app view. We will override the configuration area after inheriting from the app template and keep the rest as is. ``{{ block.super }}`` adds back the overwritten content in the ``configuration`` block. Yet again, there is nothing special about the way this template is written. This is a regular Django template. See :doc:`Django Template documentation `. For styling and UI components, FreedomBox uses the Twitter Bootstrap project. See `Bootstrap documentation `_ for reference. To start using our custom template, we need to pass this to our view. In ``views.py``, add the following line: .. code-block:: python3 :caption: ``views.py`` class TransmissionAppView(AppView): ... template_name = 'transmission.html' Writing a configuration form ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Our app needs some configuration. So, we need to write a configuration form to provide options to the user. Add the following to ``forms.py``. .. code-block:: python3 :caption: ``forms.py`` from django import forms class TransmissionForm(DirectorySelectForm): # pylint: disable=W0232 """Transmission configuration form""" def __init__(self, *args, **kw): validator = DirectoryValidator(username=SYSTEM_USER, check_creatable=True) super().__init__(title=_('Download directory'), default='/var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads', validator=validator, *args, **kw) This uses a utility provided by the framework and creates a Django form that shows a single option to set the download directory for our Transmission app. This is similar to how a regular Django form is built. See :doc:`Django Forms documentation ` for more information. .. tip: Too many options Resist the temptation to create a lot of configuration options. Although this will put more control in the hands of the users, it will make FreedomBox less usable. FreedomBox is a consumer product. Our target users are not technically savvy and we have make most of the decisions on behalf of the user to make the interface as simple and easy to use as possible. Applying the changes from the form ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The view we have created needs to display the form and process the form after the user submits it. Let us implement that in ``views.py``. .. code-block:: python3 :caption: ``views.py`` from django.contrib import messages from plinth import actions, views from .forms import TransmissionForm class TransmissionAppView(views.AppView): """Serve configuration page.""" form_class = TransmissionForm app_id = 'transmission' def get_initial(self): """Get the current settings from Transmission server.""" status = super().get_initial() configuration = privileged.get_configuration() status['storage_path'] = configuration['download-dir'] status['hostname'] = socket.gethostname() return status def form_valid(self, form): """Apply the changes submitted in the form.""" old_status = form.initial new_status = form.cleaned_data if old_status['storage_path'] != new_status['storage_path']: new_configuration = { 'download-dir': new_status['storage_path'], } privileged.merge_configuration(new_configuration) messages.success(self.request, 'Configuration updated') return super().form_valid(form) We check to make sure that the configuration value has actually changed after the form is submitted. Although FreedomBox's operations are idempotent, meaning that running them twice will not be problematic, we still wish to avoid unnecessary operations for the sake of speed. We are actually performing the operation using *actions*. We will implement this action a bit later. After we perform the operation, we will show a message on the response page that the action was successful or that nothing happened. We use the Django messaging framework to accomplish this. See :doc:`Django messaging framework ` for more information. Writing privileged actions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The actual work of performing the configuration change is carried out by privileged actions. These actions are independent scripts that run with higher privileges required to perform a task. They are placed in a separate python module 'privileged.py' and invoked as regular methods. For our application we need to write two privileged actions that can read and write the configuration for transmission daemon. We will do this by creating a file ``privileged.py``. .. code-block:: python3 :caption: ``privileged.py`` import json import pathlib from plinth import action_utils from plinth.actions import privileged _transmission_config = pathlib.Path('/etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json') @privileged def get_configuration() -> dict[str, str]: """Return the current configuration in JSON format.""" return json.loads(_transmission_config.read_text(encoding='utf-8')) @privileged def merge_configuration(configuration: dict[str, str | bool]) -> None: """Merge given JSON configuration with existing configuration.""" current_configuration = _transmission_config.read_bytes() current_configuration = json.loads(current_configuration) new_configuration = current_configuration new_configuration.update(configuration) new_configuration = json.dumps(new_configuration, indent=4, sort_keys=True) _transmission_config.write_text(new_configuration, encoding='utf-8') action_utils.service_reload('transmission-daemon') This is a simple Python3 module but it runs in a separate process with superuser privileges due to the :meth:`plinth.actions.privileged` decorator. All such methods must have full type annotations for the method parameters. Further, the parameters and return value must be JSON serializable. It may use various helper utilities provided by the FreedomBox framework in :obj:`plinth.action_utils` to easily perform it's duties.