Source code for plinth.modules.apache.components

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""App component for other apps to use Apache configuration functionality."""

import re
import subprocess

from django.utils.text import format_lazy
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy

from plinth import action_utils, app
from plinth.privileged import service as service_privileged

from . import privileged

[docs]class Webserver(app.LeaderComponent): """Component to enable/disable Apache configuration."""
[docs] def __init__(self, component_id, web_name, kind='config', urls=None, expect_redirects=False, last_updated_version=None): """Initialize the web server component. component_id should be a unique ID across all components of an app and across all components. web_name is the primary part of the configuration file path which must be enabled/disabled by this component. kind is the type of Apache configuration being enabled/disabled. This must be 'config' for a configuration in /etc/apache/conf-available/, 'module' for configuration in /etc/apache2/mods-available/, 'site' for configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-available/. urls is a list of URLs over which a HTTP services will be available due to this component. This list is only used for running diagnostics. last_updated_version is the app version in which the web server configuration/site/module file was updated. Using this, web server will be automatically reloaded or restarted as necessary during app upgrade. """ super().__init__(component_id) self.web_name = web_name self.kind = kind self.urls = urls or [] self.expect_redirects = expect_redirects self.last_updated_version = last_updated_version or 0
[docs] def is_enabled(self): """Return whether the Apache configuration is enabled.""" return action_utils.webserver_is_enabled(self.web_name, kind=self.kind)
[docs] def enable(self): """Enable the Apache configuration.""" privileged.enable(self.web_name, self.kind)
[docs] def disable(self): """Disable the Apache configuration.""" privileged.disable(self.web_name, self.kind)
[docs] def diagnose(self): """Check if the web path is accessible by clients. See :py:meth:``. """ results = [] for url in self.urls: if '{host}' in url: results.extend( diagnose_url_on_all( url, check_certificate=False, expect_redirects=self.expect_redirects)) else: results.append(diagnose_url(url, check_certificate=False)) return results
[docs] def setup(self, old_version): """Restart/reload web server if configuration files changed.""" if not old_version: # App is being freshly setup. After setup, app will be enabled # which will result in reload/restart of web server. return if old_version >= self.last_updated_version: # Already using the latest configuration. Web server reload/restart # is not necessary. return if not # App is currently disabled, web server will reloaded/restarted # when the app is enabled. return if self.kind == 'module': service_privileged.restart('apache2') else: service_privileged.reload('apache2')
[docs]class Uwsgi(app.LeaderComponent): """Component to enable/disable uWSGI configuration."""
[docs] def __init__(self, component_id, uwsgi_name): """Initialize the uWSGI component. component_id should be a unique ID across all components of an app and across all components. uwsgi_name is the primary part of the configuration file path which must be enabled/disabled by this component. """ super().__init__(component_id) self.uwsgi_name = uwsgi_name
[docs] def is_enabled(self): """Return whether the uWSGI configuration is enabled.""" return action_utils.uwsgi_is_enabled(self.uwsgi_name) \ and action_utils.service_is_enabled('uwsgi')
[docs] def enable(self): """Enable the uWSGI configuration.""" privileged.uwsgi_enable(self.uwsgi_name)
[docs] def disable(self): """Disable the uWSGI configuration.""" privileged.uwsgi_disable(self.uwsgi_name)
[docs] def is_running(self): """Return whether the uWSGI daemon is running with configuration.""" return action_utils.uwsgi_is_enabled(self.uwsgi_name) \ and action_utils.service_is_running('uwsgi')
def diagnose_url(url, kind=None, env=None, check_certificate=True, extra_options=None, wrapper=None, expected_output=None): """Run a diagnostic on whether a URL is accessible. Kind can be '4' for IPv4 or '6' for IPv6. """ result = check_url(url, kind, env, check_certificate, extra_options, wrapper, expected_output) if kind: template = gettext_lazy('Access URL {url} on tcp{kind}') testname = format_lazy(template, url=url, kind=kind) else: template = gettext_lazy('Access URL {url}') testname = format_lazy(template, url=url) return [testname, result] def diagnose_url_on_all(url, expect_redirects=False, **kwargs): """Run a diagnostic on whether a URL is accessible.""" results = [] for address in action_utils.get_addresses(): current_url = url.format(host=address['url_address']) diagnose_kwargs = dict(kwargs) if not expect_redirects: diagnose_kwargs.setdefault('kind', address['kind']) results.append(diagnose_url(current_url, **diagnose_kwargs)) return results def check_url(url, kind=None, env=None, check_certificate=True, extra_options=None, wrapper=None, expected_output=None): """Check whether a URL is accessible.""" command = ['curl', '--location', '-f', '-w', '%{response_code}'] if kind == '6': # extract zone index match = re.match(r'(.*://)\[(.*)%(?P<zone>.*)\](.*)', url) if match: command = command + ['--interface','zone')] url = '{0}[{1}]{2}'.format(*, 2, 4)) command.append(url) if wrapper: command.insert(0, wrapper) if not check_certificate: command.append('-k') if extra_options: command.extend(extra_options) if kind: command.append({'4': '-4', '6': '-6'}[kind]) try: process =, env=env, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) result = 'passed' if expected_output and expected_output not in process.stdout.decode(): result = 'failed' except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception: result = 'failed' # Authorization failed is a success if exception.stdout.decode().strip() in ('401', '405'): result = 'passed' except FileNotFoundError: result = 'error' return result